
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Dice and Salt 97 - Salty Snack
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Lord Richter and Lady Toast are back this week and are joined by surprise guest Alex, who spends some time blaming tech support for his own problems before finally answering the first question asked of him.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Tyrant's Grasp 173 - Plumbing the Deep
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
After checking out the basement of Hammer Rock for a while, it's time to finally dig down to what we are really after. As is tradition, once we get down there, it's time to deal with another bouncer before we can really get to the task at hand.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Dice and Salt 96 - Take the Power Dice Back
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Lord Richter and Lady Toast are back this week to second-guess proposed oaths and wax hopeful about some potential reunions with old friends. Then, the definitions of different video game genres ties the hosts into knots.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Tyrant's Grasp 172 - Killing in Nemhain Of...
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
We're barely into this basement and there's already a pile of corpses in our wake. Now it's time to see if there's anything else down here that wants to stand in our way before we work our way even deeper beneath the ruins of Hammer Rock.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Dice and Salt 95 - Oops All Salt
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Lord Richter and Lady Toast return this week to discuss the most important issue facing our time: Which chain pizza restaurant is the best? After that, they get back into the conclusion of the marathon battle the guys have been dealing with.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Friday Jun 07, 2024
Tyrant's Grasp 171 - Oops All Giants
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
The battle continues as we continue to just get piled on by a veritable horde of giants. Even a new guy showing up with a terrifying suit of armor to join the fray barely registers among the sheer number of giants we're trying to mow down.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Dice and Salt 94 - No Kitchen, No Dice
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
There's been a coup! Lord Richter has been kicked out of his seat for a week as his better half takes his place to talk with Lady Toast to discuss Toast's love of Pathfinder combat and how delightful ball puns can be. Then the conversation turns to old battery commercials in an effort to talk about just about anything else.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Friday May 31, 2024
Tyrant's Grasp 170 - Everybody Calm Down
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
After a brief respite, it's time to get back to it. We've begun delving beneath Hammer Rock to find what Tar Baphon was looking for, but we have been quickly waylaid by some giants. They are proving more nuisance than anything, but they just...keep...coming.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Tuesday May 28, 2024
Dice and Salt 93 - Salty Spellslots
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Lord Richter and Lady Toast are back this week to discuss the efficacy of the group's use of Greater Teleport. Then they get into a lengthy discussion about how diamonds are shaped and crushed.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!

Friday May 24, 2024
Tyrant's Grasp 169 - A Little Back and Forth
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
The Rock has been Hammered, a ritual has been performed, we've made a new friend (and lost one along the way), and now it's time to get a little R&R back in a place of relative safety after far too much teleporting.
As always, you can find us on Twitter (@inspired_incomp) and on Facebook to follow along with our exploits, you can shoot us an email at InspiredIncompetence@gmail.com if you're so inclined. You can find out more about us at InspiredIncompetence.com and join our Discord server from the link at the bottom, where we are always around to chat with our fans (or whoever wants to chat, we're not picky). Lastly, if you're enjoying the show, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us on Patreon to let us know that our efforts are not in vain. Thanks everyone, and enjoy the show!